Jungian analysis
Jungian analysis
Jungian analysis (Jungian psychoanalysis) is an intensive form of psychotherapy; a profound work in which self-discovery and transformation of the personality so that it can better express the psychic fullness of the human being plays a key role. The aim of the analysis does not have to be the treatment of a particular ailment; it could be healing understood as deep psychological integration, greater harmony with the world, understanding, the search for the meaning of life and awareness of the unconscious aspects of life, and thus a thorough inner transformation.
Carl Jung paid attention to the cultural, mythological, initiatory, and spiritual aspects of analysis; the person undergoing it recognizes not only personal complexes and psychic processes, but also the collective and archetypal unconscious, both in its difficult and dark aspects and in its creative and redemptive aspects. In so doing, s/he can relate to the broader dimensions of life – develop the character to face the universal problems of human existence.
In Jungian analysis, the unconscious mind is examined. Part of this process is the alignment of consciousness with the processes being discovered. As a result, the person undergoing analysis develops a more integrated personality, capable of a psychic life that includes a greater fullness of one’s being and contact with the deep processes that make up the experience of life. Because the existential and spiritual properties of the psyche play an important role in the course of this work, Jungian analysis is initiatic in nature. One of the formulas with which to describe the purpose of analysis is the motto from the Delphic Oracle – “gnothi seauton”, or “know thyself”.
The addressees of Jungian analysis are often creative, self-reflective people, seeking a better understanding of themselves, following the paths of spiritual search, but also grounded in everyday reality, wanting to experience life more fully or looking for answers to difficult questions.
Jungian analysis uses, among other things dream analysis, working with active imagination and exploring relational processes, including the relationship with the analyst.
Jungian analysis takes place 2-4 times per week.
Who can conduct Jungian analysis?
Only certified Jungian analysts, i.e., individuals who have received training recognized by theInternational Association for Analytical Psychology(IAAP), in the individual track or within an IAAP-recognized institute, are authorized to conduct analysis.
The Association of Jungian Analysts in Poland, of which I am a member, brings together Jungian analysts who meet these conditions. On this organization’s website, you can find a list of those authorized to conduct the analysis. When undertaking the analysis, it is worth making sure that the therapist/analyst with whom you want to work has the appropriate qualifications, because it happens that people without such qualifications offer Jungian analysis, misleading their clients.